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REAP Code: 1025
CAM:1025  RMCAAP:225   RMAT:278



In the remarks of Benjamin Franklin, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”, keeping this in mind RIET strides towards developing a perspective of extended learning and innovation in students whereby enhancing their personality and representing them industry-ready.


Our Campus Recruitment Training Program is designed to aid the students to meet today Global Corporate needs. To provide complete solution to increase the competency of the students in the real market with confidence and enthusiasm & Inspiring their lives and bestowing them to realize their career dreams.

Need of Campus Recruitment Training

Many organisations sound to offer a satisfactory payroll and a better job profile in campus recruitment, which has intensified the competition amongst candidates. It so becomes effective for a successor to present outstanding professionalism it in terms of interpersonal relationships, quantifiable, and analytical skills. So, each graduate must sharpen their knowledge base, strengthen global pace and efficiency under the leadership of industry professionals in campus recruitment training.

Training & Placement Program

We have adopted the well-known VAK practice to train and improve our graduates for the campus recruitment programme. VAK practice involves:

  • Visual Learning
  • Auditory Learning
  • Kinaesthetic Learning

The placement cell organizes diverse activities such as Group Discussions, Mock Interviews, and Aptitude tests to reinforce and strengthen the techniques of the graduates.