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REAP Code: 1025
CAM:1025  RMCAAP:225   RMAT:278


Date : 30 Mar 2025 | Category : News

RIET Jaipur so proud to announce that our students got RANK 1 in NATIONAL HACKATHON “SoftTech-HACK” sponsored by RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, KOTA TEQIP-III RTU(ATU) and the concept is based on:
A.I Powered Drone Design
Software : Fusion360, Ansys, Autocad, Pycharm
Programming Languages : Python, SQl
Sensor : ESP 8266,MPS20N0040D-D,Temperature Sensor.
Motor : BLDC Motors with thrust 14
FOS considered
Purpose: Delivery, Detection
Special Feature : M.L Algorithm to Monitor RPM of Motor, Water Resistance
Congratulations to all are gems on your achievement.
RIET Campus jaipur always encourage students to achieve milestones in life through the pedagogy which focuses on boosting up their confidence & continue doing great in life.
We hope you continue to follow your dreams & achieve great heights.