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REAP Code: 1025
CAM:1025  RMCAAP:225   RMAT:278

B.Tech Ist Year

REAP Admission Procedure: The Centre for Electronic Governance, Jaipur will conduct centralized counseling for admissions to B.Tech. 1st year programme on the basis of JEE (Main) Exam-2023 rank and/or Class-12 Marks/ percentile.

If the candidates have not appeared in JEE (Main) Exam-2023, they need to apply on the basis of class-12 marks. Please note that JEE (Main) Exam-2023 rank will be given higher priority in comparison to class-12 marks/percentile.

Eligibility Criteria: The aspiring candidate must have passed class-12 (XII) or equivalent exam with at least 45% aggregate marks (40% aggregate marks in the case of candidates belonging to SC / ST / Non Creamy Layer- OBC/ Non Creamy Layer- MBC of Rajasthan State only) in each subject (Physics, Maths and Chemistry/ Bio-Technology/ Computer Science/ Technical Vocational subject/ Biology) from Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER) and/or CBSE and/or any other recognized Board/ University.

Seat Matrix: The distribution of seats in various engineering branches is as given below:


    S. No.     Branch Code     Branch Sanctioned Intake         (a) Management Quota Seats (15%) Thro’ JEE Mains Score   (b) Out of Rajasthan Quota Seats (15%) Thro’ JEE Mains Score    (c) Rajasthan Domicile candidates Seats (70%) (a)-(b)-(c)
1 12 Information Technology 30 05 04 31
2 06 Computer Science And Engineering 90 13 14 63
3 09 Electronics and Communication Engineering 67 10 10 47
4 07 Electrical Engineering 45 07 07 31
5 13 Mechanical Engineering 90 13 13 64
6 05 Civil Engineering 45 07 07 31
7 Artificial Intelligence and Data Science* 60 9 9 42
8 10 Electrical and Electronics Engineering 45 07 07 31

Note: The 5% supernumerary seats under TFW Scheme will be allotted on merit basis in each branch by REAP-2023.

EWS (Economically Weaker Section): 10% extra seats of the approved intake are to be filled by the candidates belonging to economically backward class of Rajasthan State only (General Category). These 5% seats are supernumerary seats under TFW Scheme and these are allotted on merit basis in each branch by REAP-2023.  The annual income of parents (Mother-Father) should be less than Rs. 8 Lacs from all sources. These seats will be allotted on merit basis in the respective branch. 

TFWS (Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme): 5% extra seats of the approved intake are to be filled by the candidates belonging to economically backward class of Rajasthan State only. The annual income of parents (Mother-Father) should be less than Rs. 8 Lacs from all sources. These seats will be allotted on merit basis in the respective branch.

KM (Kashmiri Migrants): 5% extra seats of the approved intake are to be filled by candidates migrated from Jammu & Kashmir State. A certificate is required as proof of being a son/ daughter of a person from Jammu & Kashmir state by the competent authority. Eligible candidates should apply through REAP admission website.

Supernumerary Seats under PMSSS (Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme): 10% seats are to be filled by the candidates who belong to J&K state and also must have passed class-12 (XII) examination from Jammu & Kashmir Board and/or CBSE-J&K. The annual income of parents should be less than Rs. 8 Lacs from all the sources. Academic and hostel fees is not charged by candidates and is paid by AICTE to the Institute. Eligible candidates should apply through admission website: www.aicte-jk-scholarship-gov.in/

Fee Structure:

The fee structure is approved by State Level Fee determination Committee, Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur. The details are mentioned as below:

Programme Academic Fee (Govt. Approved) Registration Fee Caution Money (One Time- Refundable) (Govt. Approved)
B.Tech. I Semester 42,500 2,000 7,500
B.Tech. II Semester 42,500


1. Fees related to examinations / development will be paid by candidates to the affiliating university RTU, Kota as and when required.

2. Fees may be revised by the State Level Fee Determination Committee, Govt. of Rajasthan, Jaipur.

3. Academic fee will be paid in two installments (Semester-wise).

Hostel Fee (Accommodation & Mess):


Particular Hostel Fee- Per Annum Reg. Fee (One Time)
Single Seater Room 90000 1000
Single Seater Room- Attach LB NA 1000
Single Seater Room- AC 120000 1000
Double Seater Room- 80000 1000
Double Seater Room- Attach LB 83000 1000
Double Seater Room- AC 99000 1000
Double Seater Room- AC- Attach LB 105000 1000
Triple Seater Room 72000 1000
Suite Room- Single Seater 165000 1000
Suite Room- Double Seater 130000 1000


Particular Hostel Fee- Per Annum Reg. Fee (One Time)
Single Seater Room 85000 1000
Single Seater Room- Attach LB 92000 1000
Single Seater Room- AC 105000 1000
Double Seater Room 72000 1000
Double Seater Room- Attach LB 83000 1000
Double Seater Room- AC 90000 1000


  1. Caution money of Rs. 3000 is charged for Hostel which is refundable.
  2. Hostel Facility (Gym/Sports/WiFi/Library) can be availed only on yearly basis.
  3. Electricity bills for AC/ Suite Room is to be paid by the candidate separately

Documents Required:

Candidates must carry self-attested photocopies of the original documents and also produce the original documents to the admission counselor for verification of the eligibility of admission at time of reporting. The list of supporting documents is mentioned below:

1) Original and two sets of photocopies of Class 10 (X) mark sheet

2) Original and two sets of photocopies of Class 10+2 (XII) or Equivalent exam Mark sheet

3) Original and two sets of photocopies of Migration Certificate

4) Original and two sets of photocopies of Transfer Certificate

5) Original and two sets of photocopies of Character Certificate

6) Original and two sets of photocopies/ printouts of Aadhaar Card/ Aadhaar Acknowledgement Receipt (In case Aadhaar card is not available)

7) Original and two sets of photocopies of Domicile/ Residence Certificate

8) Original and two sets of photocopies of Category Certificate, If applicable

9) Original and two sets of photocopies of Kashmiri Migrants/ Person with Disability Certificate issued by the competent authority, If applicable

10) Two sets of printouts of the JEE (Main) Exam 2023 (Paper-I) Rank Card, If Applicable

11) Two sets of printouts of the REAP-202Provisional Seat Allotment Letter

12) Two sets of printouts of the REAP -202Application-cum-Registration Form

13) Two sets of printouts of REAP-202Challan/ Receipt of Registration Fee

14) Original and two sets of photocopies of Medical Fitness Certificate (Format is available on REAP websites)

15) Four Passport-size Color photographs (Recent) of the Candidate

16) Two sets of printouts of Anti Ragging Undertaking duly signed by the Candidate, which will be required at the time of commencement of classes.

17) Two sets of printouts of Anti Ragging Undertaking duly signed by the Parent(s)/ Guardian, which will be required at the time of commencement of classes.

18) Two sets of photocopies of Income Certificate of the Parents/ Guardian, In case of TFWS seats allotted.

19) Two sets of printouts of REAP-2023 Provisional Seat (Upward Movement) Allotment Letter, If applicable

Last date of submission for original documents at allotted Institute:

Out of Rajasthan state candidates: Candidates are required to submit all the original documents at the time of reporting.

Rajasthan State Candidates: All the original documents must be submitted by 20/07/2020(Tentative) by the candidates failing which their admission would be deemed cancelled without notice/intimation.

Note: The original documents will be returned to the candidates after the completion of University enrollment by the Institute.


  1. Provided by the Institute – (Applicable for I Year B.Tech., Session: 2022-23)
S. No. Criteria Award
1 Above 90% marks in Class XII 20% in Tuition Fee of I Year
2 Above 85% marks in Class XII 15% in Tuition Fee of I Year
3 Above 80% marks in Class XII 10% in Tuition Fee of I Year


  1. This scholarship will not applicable to students of Computer Science & Engineering, and AI-DS Branch.
  2. Same will be awarded year-wise if the same score is maintained in subsequent years, otherwise full fee will be charged.
  • Scholarship through AICTE
  • Pragati Scholarship for Girl Child
  • Saksham Scholarship for Persons with Disability
  • Prerana Scholarship scheme for preparing SC/ST students for higher education
  • Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme – PMSSS- for students of J&K
  • PG Scholarship to GATE/Qualified candidates admitted to M. Tech @Rs. 12,400/- PM through Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India

For a detailed guideline about various scholarships, the student may visit the respective websites of AICTE and MHRD. 

You can fill Enquiry Form regarding update/notification, Click here https://www.rietjaipur.ac.in

For Reap2023

visit http://www.cegreap2023.com

Contact us or Write us for any queries:

Admission & Counseling Cell

Helpline: 0141-2250066

Email: admission25@rietjaipur.ac.in

Dr. Saroj Hiranwal    Ms. Shalini Sharma        Toll Free

+91 9001099902          +91 9001099903             1800-180-6060