Dr. Sonika Sharma
M.Sc., M.Ed,Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Sharma S and Chhipa R C “Interpretation of groundwater quality parameter for selected area of Jaipur using regression and correlation analysis”, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Vol. 72( 2013), pp. 781-783
Sharma S and Chhipa R C, Statistical Regression Analysis of Underground Water and Quality of South West area of Jaipur city and its Agglomerates, Int J Pure and Appl Chem 7(3) 47-351 (2012)
Sharma S and Chhipa R C Evaluation and Optimization of Water Quality Index for Groundwater source of North West, Jaipur, and agglomerates Int. J. Chem. Sci.: 10(4), 2297-2305( 2012)
Chhipa R C and Sharma S Evaluation and Development of Tolerance limit of Ground water Quality for Drinking water use Workshop on Developing Water use efficiency ,Central Ground Water Board, WR, Jaipur (2011).
Sonika Sharma and Dr. R.C.Chhipa Quality of dug well recharge water and correlation with Water Quality Index Workshop by CGWB,GOI on Dug well recharge efficiency and Efficacy18 march2010
National Seminar CEGG-2012 on Climate change: adaptation and mitigation for sustainable development held 17-18 March, 2012 at RIET Jaipur
National Seminar SDRT-2012 on Water treatment crisis held 18-19 May, 2012 at RCEW Jaipur.