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REAP Code: 1025
CAM:1025  RMCAAP:225   RMAT:278

Department Of Applied Science

R & D

Dr. Sonika Sharma
M.Sc., M.Ed,Ph.D
Assistant Professor

  • Sharma S and Chhipa R C “Interpretation of groundwater quality parameter for selected area of Jaipur using regression and correlation analysis”, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Vol. 72( 2013), pp. 781-783
  • Sharma S and Chhipa R C, Statistical Regression Analysis of Underground Water and Quality of South West area of Jaipur city and its Agglomerates, Int J Pure and Appl Chem 7(3) 47-351 (2012)
  • Sharma S and Chhipa R C   Evaluation and Optimization of Water Quality Index for Groundwater source of North West, Jaipur, and agglomerates Int. J. Chem. Sci.: 10(4), 2297-2305( 2012)
  • Chhipa R C and Sharma S  Evaluation and Development of Tolerance limit of Ground water Quality for Drinking water use Workshop on Developing Water use efficiency ,Central Ground Water Board, WR, Jaipur (2011).
  • Sonika Sharma and Dr. R.C.Chhipa Quality of dug well recharge water and correlation with Water Quality Index Workshop by CGWB,GOI on Dug well recharge efficiency and Efficacy18 march2010
  • National Seminar CEGG-2012 on Climate change: adaptation and mitigation for sustainable development held 17-18 March, 2012 at RIET Jaipur
  • National Seminar SDRT-2012 on Water treatment crisis held 18-19 May, 2012 at RCEW Jaipur.