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REAP Code: 1025
CAM:1025  RMCAAP:225   RMAT:278


The objective of the Grievance Redressal Commitee is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute. A Grievance Redressal Committee has been constituted for the redressal of the problems reported by the Students of the College.


1. In order to comply with the AICTE Regulation for addressing, student or Parent’s grievance in a Technical Institution,
2. Grievance Redressal Committee of Rajasthan Institute of Engineering and Technology has been constituted with following Staff in different positions to enquire the nature and extent of grievance.
3. The functions of the Committee are to look into the complaints lodged by any student, and judge its merit.
4. The Grievance Redressal Committee is also empowered to look into matters of harassment.
5. Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the Grievance Redressal Committee members in person.
6. In case the person is unwilling to appear in self, grievances may be sent in writing.
7. The objective of the Grievance Redressal Committee is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders.
8. In order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute.
9. Grievance Redressal Committee has been constituted for the Redressal of the problems reported by the Students of the College.


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Scrollable Table
Name Mob. No. E-mail Id Designation Gender
Dr. Vishnu Sharma 9057364258 vishnu2668@gmail.com Chairman Male
Mr. Sunil Kumar mahapatro 9057593033 ee.sunil@rietjaipur.ac.in Member Male
Mr. Vikas Sangediya 9079081183 civil.vikas@rietjaipur.ac.in Member Male
Ms. Reena Sharma 7878180164 maths.reena@rietjaipur.ac.in Member Female
Ms. Deepti Sharma 9602016323 cse.deepti@rietjaipur.ac.in Member Female
Mr. Madan Lal 9950999506 me.madan@rietjaipur.ac.in Member Male