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AICTE ISTE Sponsored one week Induction Program on “Microgrid Scenario & Control”

Date : 26 Mar 2025 | Category : FDP

We feel immense pleasure in informing you that the Department of Electrical Engineering, Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur has inaugurated the phase –II of AICTE ISTE Sponsored one week Induction Program on “Microgrid Scenario & Control” from 27/04/2021 to 3/05/2021.total 55 faculty members from all over India has been participated . Prof Anoop Singh Poonia,Chairman ,RIET Campus Jaipur inaugurated the refresher program and being a technocrat he has focused on the following key areas like Advancements in control schemes for implementation of VSC based micro grid systems, Control of Hybrid Inverter for Micro grid operation, Importance of Power Quality in present Scenario., Power Management Electric Vehicle Charging Station as Micro Grid, Implementation of Micro grid using Solar, hydro and wind power generation systems, Machine Learning Algorithms and applications of those in Micro Grid. Prof. Poonia congratulated to all the participants for joining this program.
Prof. (Dr.) Saroj Hiranwal of Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Technology has welcomed all the resource persons and participants. She informed that Phase–I was conducted during 1st to 7th April 2021,this program is in continuation of earlier one. RIET Jaipur will conduct the Phase –III from19 May 2021 to 25 May 2021. This Induction/ Refresher program is designed to provide deeper aspects of Technologies in Microgrid in various engineering applications. The program provides the industry ways of working environment for participants. The program also benefits practicing engineers to fine tune their skill and wor technologies in micro grid more effectively in their deliverables.. For the first day two sessions were delivered, first on Advancements in control schemes for implementation of VSC based microgrid systems by Dr. Ujjawal Kalla Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (India) and Dr. Ahteshamul Haque Faculty of Engg & Technology,Jamia Millia Islamia ,New Delhi has delivered talk on& on Control of Hybrid Inverter for Micro grid operation.
#RIETJaipur #AICTE #iste #FDP #bestcollege