Date : 26 Mar 2025 | Category : News
RIET, Jaipur organized an expert talk on 5.12.19. The topic on this occasion was Career opportunities after Gate by Mr pankaj kumar Goyal (Academic Director) Engineer’s Academy Dr Saroj Hiranwal, Principal RIET, welcomed the guest on this occasion. The other dignitaries present on the occasion were, Dr Sachin Sharma, Vice Principal, RIET all HODs, faculty members B.Tech students of IIIrd Year and Final Year of RIET, Jaipur.
Dr Saroj Hiranwal, Principal RIET, said that in dynamic nature of present scenario of industry working culture, the process of hiring technical personnel are changing at a rapid pace. The course curriculums of the universities do not completely fulfill the industrial requirements in terms of soft skills and public speaking.
The biggest question that one must ask from himself before the preparation of any exam is that why one should appear for the exam as that reason itself is the motivation for the exam. GATE is conducted by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and it tests the basic understanding of undergraduate subjects.
Mr pankaj kumar Goyal (Academic Director) Engineer’s Academy said that The GATE score is considered as a mandatory requirement for entrance into post-graduate programs in different IITs and National Institutes of Technology (NITs). The process for recruitment for M.Tech programs involves qualifying GATE exam and clearing the cut-off for the respective college and then undergoing an interview stage for final admission.
Dr Sachin Sharma, Vice Principal, RIET said that GATE exam gained much popularity after various public-sector units (PSUs) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with IITs for recruitment through GATE. So, clearing GATE can also help you get direct government sector jobs.
He thanked the speaker for giving his valuable time and imparting this knowledge. He also said that RIET, looks forward to many such occasions.