Date : 2 Aug 2018 | Category : Event
Orientation Programme – Prarambh
1st to 18th, August, 2018.
Day 1
The Rajasthan Institute of Engineering and Technology conducted its Orientation Programme ‘PRARAMBH 2018’ for the freshers (1st year students) from 1st to 18th August, 2018. The students were welcomed by Tilak ceremony at the entrance and then registration.
On the 1st day programme (1st August 2018) the session started with the lamp lightening by the chief guest on this occasion, Prof (Dr) R P Kashyap, former Director and Renowned professor. The occasion was graced by Principal RIET Dr. Saroj Hiranwal, Prof. Kapil Dev Sharma, Dean Academics & Admin, Prof. Sachin Sharma, Vice Principal, RIET, along with all the respective HODs and faculty members.
Principal RIET Dr. Saroj Hiranwal welcomed all the newcomers and told them about the forthcoming orientation programme. She wished them all the best for their new academic session.
Speaking on the occasion Prof (Dr) R P Kashyap blessed all the new comers on the occasion and said that education system has had many reforms and changes. The youth need to develop themselves accordingly. He said that India needs many more Engineers for the complete development of this country.
After the first part of the programme, hi-tea was served for all the students and guests, and this was followed by Introduction about the college and overview of the Two weeks orientation session by Stuti Mitra, student of II year CSE.
The Ice breaking session was taken up by Mr Snehashish Jha, Asst Prof ECE dept and Ms Priya Gupta, Asst prof MBA. In this session the students interacted among themselves and with the faculty members also.
After lunch, a session of Expert talk on Engineering and its career prospective was presented by Prof (Dr) Sachin Sharma, Vice Principal RIET.
The day ended with an introduction by Shubham Jeph , Civil 3rd Year Student, regarding information of all clubs, sports events and extracurricular activities.
The day ended with a group picture of all the 1st year students.
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Day 2
On the second day of the Orientation Programme ‘PRARAMBH 2018’, i.e 2.8.18, the day started with Reporting, Assembling and Morning Prayer in the campus. All the new students collected in the auditorium for the full day session.
The first session on this day was taken up by Mr Snehashish Jha, Asst Prof ECE. He gave a presentation on the topic “School to College”. The presentation was appreciated by all.
This was followed by the Ice-Breaking session-2, which was taken up by Ms Priya, Asst Prof MBA. This session was mainly for the students to express their “First Day Experience in RIET”. Many students sang songs and some spoke about their experience in the college.
The third session was taken up by RIET Alumni Ms Malvika Upadhyay, HR, IES, Made-Easy. She gave a presentation on the topic “Life at RIET” and shared her experience of her college days in the college. She also spoke about her current job in the organization she is working with.
The fourth session of the day was taken up by Col J S Lamba, Retd Army Personnel. He gave a presentation on “Discipline and Etiquettes”. He shared his experience about his long defense career with the new students and also told them how important is Discipline and Etiquettes in their lives.
The last session of the day was sports activities. This was taken up by Mr Uday Singh Choudhury, Sports Officer RIET. Activities like Volleyball, Football, Basketball and Cricket were the highlights of the session.
The students enjoyed all the sessions and had a very nice time playing various games and interacting with each other.
The day ended with a happy note.
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Day 3
On the Third day of the Orientation Programme ‘PRARAMBH 2018’, i.e 3.8.18, the day started with Reporting, Assembling and Morning Prayer in the campus. All the new students collected in the auditorium for the full day session.
The first session on this day was Expert Talk on Effective Study Habits by Prof (Dr) D S Hooda; Renowned Professor from JIET, Guna, MP. Dr Hooda spoke at length about future aspects of the technological studies and the potentials and developments which the country expects from the young technocrats.
The SECOND session of the day was FACULTY INTERACTION taken by Ms. Priya Gupta , Asst Prof , MBA where Ms. Priya interacted with the students and told them the importance of values in life and how to improve the communication skills.
The THIRD session of the day was group activity- Pick and Play, conducted by Ms Jyoti Khandelwal, Asst Prof, CSE . In this activity students had the opportunity to show their talents in Dance, Music- singing, Acting and Mimicry. The students enjoyed a lot performing and watching their peers perform various activities.
The fourth session of the day was a presentation “Overview about Curriculum; Theory, Practical & Examination Schemes” put forth by Ms Shikha Choudhary, HOD, MCA. In this the students were informed about the exam schemes and the various other rules and regulations regarding the same.
The next session was taken up by Prarabdh Chaturvedi, student of CSE dept II Year. He spoke about SMARTWIT: Let your Neurons do the talk. In this the speaker explained about Smartwit and its various activities.
The day came to a closure with the notes of the patriotic National Anthem. All the students enjoyed a lot on this day.
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Day 4
On the Fourth day of the Orientation Programme ‘PRARAMBH 2018’, i.e 4.8.18, the day started with Reporting, Assembling and Morning Prayer in the campus. All the new students collected in the auditorium for the full day session.
The first session on this day was Expert Talk on “How to prepare for the Industry”. This session was taken up by RIET Alumni. In this the students were given information about how they should prepare themselves for the industry and work for their better performance after they enter into the hard work.
The second session of the day was taken up by Prof (Dr) D S Hooda; Renowned Professor from G J University, Hissar. Dr Hooda spoke about “How to learn Mathematics in an easy way”. He is a great mathematician and renowned professor of the subject. He is also a member of the RIET BOG.
The next session was Pre Assessment Test of (General English). This was conducted to evaluate the communication skill and general English skill of the students.
Next session was group activity X-Factor: Show Your Talent, conducted by Ms Jyoti Khandelwal, Asst Prof, CSE. In this activity students had the opportunity to show their talents in various fun activities. The students enjoyed a lot performing and watching their peers perform various activities. The session was taken up by III year students of RIET, Nevil, Prince, Chandramani & Junaid of CSE branch.
The day came to a closure with National Anthem. All the students enjoyed a lot on this day and looked forward for the next week’s interesting sessions.
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Day 5
On the Fifth day of the Orientation Programme ‘PRARAMBH 2018’, i.e 6.8.18, the day started with Reporting, Assembling and Morning Prayer in the campus. All the new students collected in the auditorium for the full day session.
The first session on this day was “Hands on Practice” (Art to Excell) session on Ms Office, PPT making, E-Mail and ID creation. This session was taken up by Mr Amit Bairwa, Asst prof CSE dept.
In the next session an inspirational movie was shown to all the students, “I am Kalam” which the students enjoyed a lot.
In the last session the students were given a special lecture on Personality development, grooming and other related activities by Mr Shivam Bansal from Focus Academy for Career Enhancement, (FACE).
The day ended with National Anthem and a happy note.
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Day 6
On the Sixth day of the Orientation Programme ‘PRARAMBH 2018’, i.e 7.8.18, the day started with Reporting, Assembling and Morning Prayer in the campus. All the new students collected in the auditorium for the full day session.
The first session on this day was Presentation & Familiarization of various Department/Branch. This presentation was given by Mr. Dinesh Swami Asst prof CSE dept.
In the next session the students visited all the branches, labs, library and canteen. The students were accompanied by various faculty members and students of II year. This session was conducted by Dr Sonika Sharma Dy HOD, Applied Sciences, Mr Ravi Jain, Asst Prof Mathematics.
In the nest session the students had a very nice time; they all participated in a drawing competition which was held outdoors in the mini lawn outside the admin building. This event was conducted by Ms Vijaya Chakravarty, Asso Professor, English, and Ms Savita Jangid, Asst Professor MBA.
In the last session the students attended a session of Expert Talk- Tick when you Talk & Time Management. The session was taken up by Ms Gundeep Chadha and Dr Roopneet Chadha of Holistic Professionals, Jaipur. In this the students learnt a lot about how this orientation programme will help them in their academic career.
The day ended with National Anthem and a happy note.
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Day 7
On the Seventh day of the Orientation Programme ‘PRARAMBH 2018’, i.e 8.8.18, the day started with Reporting, Assembling and Morning Prayer in the campus. All the new students collected in the auditorium for the full day session. This was conducted by Mr. Tushar Agarwal, Asst. Prof.
The first session on this day was Presentation: on Universal Human Values: By Ms. Priya Gupta, Asst. Prof MBA.
In the next session the Sangharsh Group put up a play and also the group members told the freshers about Sangharsh and its activities.
The next session was Mentor & mentees Interaction. The freshers were intimated about the mentorship concept of the college and its importance. The students also filled up the mentorship forms. This session was conducted by Dr Sonika Sharma Dy HOD Applied Sciences.
In the next session the students had a very nice time; they all participated in Indoor Sports Competitions: the following games were conducted:
This session was conducted by Mr. Uday Singh Choudhary ,Sports Officer-RIET. Mr. Mahesh Jangid, Asst.Prof ME , Mr.Vimal Kumawat, Asst.Prof ME, & Mr. Pawan Bagra (EE).
The day ended with National Anthem and a happy note.
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Day 8
On the Eighth day of the Orientation Programme ‘PRARAMBH 2018’, i.e 9.8.18, the day started with Reporting, Assembling and Morning Prayer in the campus. All the new students collected in the auditorium for the full day session. This was conducted by Mr. Tushar Agarwal, Asst. Prof.
The first session on this day was student interaction with Dean Academics and Admin Prof Kapil Dev Sharma. He spoke to the freshers regarding college academics, rules and regulations and various other important informations.
Presentation on Research & Development: Familiarization to Innovation: was in the next session By Mr. Mahesh Jangid, Asst. Prof ME & Mr Harish Maheshwari Asst Prof EEE. In this the professors told the students about the various types of activities done in the Research & Development wing and how all the students may become more creative by putting in their efforts into this.
The next session was student interaction: various games were organized like dumb charades, quiz and various group games.
In the next session the students had a very nice interaction with Mr Manish Sharma, Project Manager at Infosys, Jaipur Development center. He spoke to the students regarding softwares and its utility and also shared his personal working experiences with the freshers. He also told about the company Infosys and its operations worldwide.
The day ended with National Anthem and a happy note.
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Day 9
On the Ninth day of the Orientation Programme ‘PRARAMBH 2018’, i.e 10.8.18, the day started with Reporting, Assembling and Morning Prayer in the campus. All the new students collected in the auditorium for the full day session. This was conducted by Mr. Tushar Agarwal, Asst. Prof.
The first session on this day was PPT Preparation activity. In this activity the students prepared PPT on a given topic. By this activity the students learnt how to make a PPT. This session was conducted by Dr Sonika Sharma, Dy HOD Applied Sciences.
The next session was a Brief talk about Training Placement Activities: by Ms. Monika Shekhawat, Training & Placement Coordinator, RIET. She spoke to the students about the various activities.
The next session was student activity: all the students enjoyed a lot participating in a Dance competition. This session was conducted by Ms Jyoti Khandelwal, Asst Prof CSE, and Event Coordinator.
The day ended with National Anthem and a happy note.
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Day 10
On 11.8.18, the day started with Reporting, Assembling and Morning Prayer in the campus. All the new students collected in the auditorium for the full day session.
The students on this day went for an industrial visit to Jaipur Dairy (Saras). After assembling the students were briefed about the visit after which they boarded the bus and left for their destination.
On reaching Jaipur Dairy they were informed about the organization. The students were told about the Jaipur zila Dugdha utpadak sahakari sangh later registered under the cooperative act and currently known as Jaipur Dairy (Saras). Here the students observed the collection, processing and Aseptic packaging of the product. Also they were told about the Bulk Milk Coolers. Apart from Milk, the organization also produces other milk products like curd, butter milk, cottage cheese, Ghee, Butter and powder milk.
The organization also excels in animal husbandry and scientifically operated Milk sheds etc. The students gathered all this information and very highly interested by having this trip.
This outing was conducted by Proctor RIET Mr Mukesh Choudhary, HOD IT, Dr Sonika Sharma Dy HOD Applied sciences, Ms Avani Pareek, Asst Prof Chemistry.
The day came to a closure with National Anthem. All the students enjoyed a lot on this day and looked forward for the next week’s interesting sessions.
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Day 11
On day eleven of the Orientation Programme ‘PRARAMBH 2018’, i.e 13.8.18, the day started with Reporting, Assembling and Morning Prayer in the campus. All the new students collected in the auditorium for the full day session. This was conducted by Mr. Tushar Agarwal, Asst. Prof, EEE.
The first session on this day was Industry Expert cum Alumni Talk: ‘Get Set Go’ (Goal Setting): By Mr. Dikshant Pandey, Patent Research analyst, Stellerix Pvt.Ltd. Dikshant is a RIET Alumni & 2018 pass out. He is currently posted at Chandigarh. This session was conducted by Dr Sonika Sharma, Dy HOD Chemistry & Applied Sciences and Mr Snehashish Jha, Asst Prof ECE.
The next session was a visit to the “Army Exhibition” held at The Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Jaipur. The students had a very good opportunity to see the various workings of the Indian Army. The Sapta Shakti command of the Indian Army showcased this exhibition called “Know Your Army” to commemorate the 71st Independence day celebrations, where they displayed various arms and ammunitions used by the defense forces. During this visit the students also attended a session on ‘career options in the Indian Army’. In this the students were told about the various options that a technical professional gets to join the defense services. The army personnel who guided the young minds were Capt Sarvesh Nadkarni and Lt Gautham Krishnan. The students were escorted to the exhibition by Mr. Tushar Agarwal, Asst. Prof, EEE.
The next session was student activity: all the students Participated in the PPT presentation competition. The students themselves prepared the PPTs and presented them in the auditorium. This was highly appreciated by all the faculty members. This session was conducted by Dr Sonika Sharma Dy HOD Chemistry & Applied sciences.
The day ended with National Anthem and a happy note.
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Day 12
On day twelve of the Orientation Programme ‘PRARAMBH 2018’, i.e. 14.8.18, the day started with Reporting, Assembling and Morning Prayer in the campus. All the new students collected in the auditorium for a full day session. This morning activity was conducted by Mr. Tushar Agarwal, Asst. Prof, EEE.
The first session on this day was of “Yoga and Meditation”. Mr Deepak Choudhary of Kaivalyadham instructed the students the method of Yoga and spoke about the importance of yoga and meditation.
The event was organized in the campus ground near the open air stage.
In his instructions Mr Deepak Choudhary said that Science has shown that our mind and body benefits from taking time out of our daily life and practice Yoga and also meditate. The benefits of meditation and Yoga are endless. Meditation is a necessity in our multifaceted lives, and yet it doesn’t come easily for most people. Meditation and yoga are interrelated. Yoga postures are a great way to prepare the body for meditation. Yoga is not only rejuvenating for the body but also the brain. He also mentioned that Yoga helps us to keep our body fit and healthy looking at the busy life style we all lead in this scientific era.
On this day apart from the first year students, all the second year students also participated in this event. All the students and faculty members who participated in this session were highly benefited by this activity.
The next session on this day was Expert talk presented to the students by Mr Amit Bairwa, Asst Prof, CSE Dept. Mr Bairwa spoke on the topic “An Introduction to Programming for Engineers”. He specially explained about Python and C-Language, along with other programming processes and intricate methods used in software techniques. The students were highly interested in learning this. These techniques will help them in their forthcoming academic session.
Later in the day, in the afternoon session, the students had outdoor games, which the students enjoyed a lot. They played games like volleyball, basketball, football and cricket in various divided groups.
The day ended with the patriotic notes of the National anthem and a happy note.
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Day 13
Independence Day is an annual observance, celebrated every year on 15th of August. On this day we achieved our freedom from the British rule in 1947, after long years of slavery. This year on 15th August, 2018, as always, RIET congregated to pay tribute and remember all the freedom fighters and their contribution for the Liberation of the country.
Principal RIET (Prof) Dr Saroj Hiranwal hoisted the national flag. All the students, HODs, Teachers and staff saluted the flag and sang in unison the National Anthem.
Principal RIET (Prof) Dr Saroj Hiranwal, delivered a short speech and told the students about the supreme sacrifice the great martyrs gave for the sake of freedom, and also mentioned that the freedom was very precious and it was very necessary to preserve it.She encouraged all students and faculty members to perform their own duties to uplift the society and nation.
Dean Academics, Prof Kapil Dev Sharma, spoke on the significance of the historic day. He encouraged the students to always perform their utmost regarding their career and which in turn is a great work towards the society and nation. He emphasized that engineers are the creators of the universe therefore our duty is all the more important to prove ourselves.
Vice Principal RIET, Dr Sachin Sharma, spoke on the occasion.
He advised the students to become ideal citizens of the country.He encouraged all to come forward and work towards the betterment of the country and humanity.It is the responsibility of the citizens of an Independent nation if they do not dedicate themselves to the service of this nation they fail in their duties. Taking steps for that can makeRIET a great institution dedicated to the service of the nation.
The Cultural Programme was a great performance put up by students of first year freshers and also other senior students. Patriotic Poems and Songs were recited by the students. Some students also presented the group dance and a skit.Students group from first year demonstrated a skit on social issues of the society. The Sangharsh group also put up a skit on army life.Songs and dances were a wonderful attraction of the day.
Tree plantation ceremony was also held on this day. The RIETians pledged to keep the environment healthy and green by planting more and more trees. Principal RIET (Prof) Dr Saroj Hiranwal and Dean Academics, Prof Kapil Dev Sharma, Vice Principal RIET, Dr Sachin Sharma along with all the faculty members and students participated in this ceremony and planted saplings in RIET campus.
The programme concluded with a patriotic feeling and exhilaration in the hearts and minds of all present, which was indeed exemplary. In the end, sweets were distributed among all.
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